Our Pastor

Rick Greene

I grew up here in Escondido. Although I was raised in a traditional, denominational church and went to a Christian school, it wasn't until after I graduated high school that I truly began living for the Lord. A mentor took me to a Prophecy Conference where Pastor Chuck Smith was speaking on Bible prophecy, and it was that day that I knew the Bible was true and real, and I was stirred to learn the Bible. Also, I immediately felt like I was at home in Calvary Chapel. I ended up going to Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murrieta (2000-02) because I wanted to learn the whole Bible from Pastor Chuck, and after graduating, I went on staff and became the Worship Leader for the campus and an instructor for many classes, including some Bible classes (2002-05), serving with Pastor Dave Shirley. It was during that time that I met a beautiful young woman named Liesl, and we got married!!!

About a year after Liesl and I got married, we moved overseas to Wales, UK, as missionaries to serve at Calvary Chapel Cardiff, Wales (2005-2006) with Pastor John Vickery. We served there for a year, and during that time Liesl became pregnant with our first son, Evan. Upon returning to the States, we served at a church in San Marcos, CA, for three and a half years as the worship leader and assistant pastor to Pastor Dan Gordon (2006-2009) until we went out to plant Calvary Chapel Encinitas (2009-2021), and it was during all these years that we also had 3 more kids (Abigail, Silas, and Isaac)!

After serving faithfully in Encinitas for 12 and a half years, we began to sense that the Lord may be leading us back to Escondido to plant a new Calvary Chapel in my hometown where I grew up. So, we began a Bible study in our house on May 13, 2021 - which was so cool because I bought my childhood home from my mom!

It is my desire that those who come to our church will be the best fed in the Word of God and the best loved in this whole surrounding area. It is a joy to serve the Lord with you in my hometown, and I'm excited to see what He does!

The Lord bless you,
Pastor Rick